‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’ coming to Highland High
Nov 07, 2019 13h47 ● By Jerilyn Toro
By Jerilyn Langston Toro | [email protected]
“Thoroughly Modern Millie” is a musical that is set to inspire those who love the 1920's. A historical, and independent woman looking to make it in the big city during World War I and the prohibition era in New York City. Millie is played by Highland High School student Adelle Remke. She won the Best Cameo for the Utah High School Musical Theatre Awards (UHSMTA) for her role as Fruma Sara in "Fiddler on the Roof" earlier this year.
Those familiar with this musical know that it started as a book written by Richard Morris, and Dick Scanlan who helped to change it into a Broadway Musical in the early 1960s. After the play’s release to the major playwrights in New York's famous Broadway district everyone was so impressed with this story that it went to the big screen when Julie Andrews played the part of Millie in 1967.
James Barton will play "The Boss" Trevor Graydon; Jon Lambert will play the sweetheart (or as the musical director Alexie Baugh said, "No Good Nick"); Merinda Gillette plays Millie's best friend Miss Dorothy Brown.
The musical features dancing, amazing costuming, and more to inspire the 1920's enthusiasts.
Baugh has taught at HHS for four years, and been an educator for 13 years.
Instrumental Music Director Curtis Black is also the conductor. "There will be a full orchestra set," he said, including strings, piano, guitar, altos from the saxophone, clarinets, trumpet, flutes, and french horns. Black will even have a full xylophone for percussion ready for the opening day.
Vocal Director Katie Houston has been an educator at HHS for almost 10 years. She loves helping students with the arts. The students who are signing and dancing the chorus line are very talented. Houston said there are many talented students involved in this production such as the chorus line performers, stage crew, set production and more. During the practice Max Prudden, sound manager (and Highland student), was working diligently to get lighting and sound perfected for the show with fellow student Nicholas Trofimou, stage manager.
“Thoroughly Modern Millie” is set for all audiences to enjoy a taste of history in New York City in 1922. Performances will be Nov. 7, 9, 11 and 12 at 7 p.m. with a matinee on Saturday Nov. 9 at 1 p.m. at Highland High School (2166 South 1700 East).
Special Student Pricing: $6 in advance, $7 at the door. Adult ticket pricing: $7 in advance, $9 at the door.