Herriman Headache Center - at Dansie Orthodontics
Dec 06, 2016 15h05 ● By Bryan Scott
We all know someone who suffers from headaches and migraines, sometimes for years or decades. Many of us know people with tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and vertigo issues that make daily life a constant struggle. We watch them visit doctor after doctor trying to find a solution with no results.
Dr. Chase Dansie hopes to change that. Dansie Orthodontics specializes in treating these conditions through methods of assessment and treatment that many physicians and most dentists don’t utilize. What does an orthodontist have to do with relieving headaches, migraines, vertigo and tinnitus?
Pain can be caused by a number of sources, including the position and function of each muscle, joint and nerve. Add teeth to that mix and the picture is more complete. Dr. Dansie practices “right in between the . . . areas of medicine where sports medicine, occlusion (the way teeth come together), and pain management all meet up with each other.”
Dr. Dansie holds a certificate of specialization in Orthodontics and a certificate in Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) that emphasizes full mouth rehabilitation and focuses on complex dental conditions. The sum of his education and dental and orthodontic training total 11 years of university-level study.
He made the transition from restorative dentistry to orthodontics after working with elderly patients whose teeth had worn so much that they could no longer viably chew.
“I decided to help adults, teens, and children avoid this problem by getting their teeth to fit together better before long-term damage occurred,” Dansie explained. “What we now know is that much of the damage some people suffer is not visually seen, like in worn teeth, but rather is manifested in headaches, migraines, vertigo and tinnitus. And it actually can be fixed.”
Located at 11996 S. Anthem Park Blvd. in Herriman, Dansie Orthodontics offers Trudenta treatment for headaches, migraines, vertigo and tinnitus with or without specialized orthodontics, including Invisalign.
Trudenta treatment is a system of evaluation and treatment that assesses one’s head health by examining tooth alignment and the jaw, neck, and head musculature, all of which are associated with chronic headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, dizziness and temporomandibular joint dysfunction disorder (TMJ). The office also offers traditional orthodontics such as braces, Invisalign, retainers and early childhood orthodontic treatment.
“There are no needles, shots, prescriptions, or other intimidating things,” Dansie said. “People in Herriman, Daybreak, Riverton, and West Jordan are getting their lives back by being free from headaches.”
Contact Dansie Orthodontics at (801) 447-1901 for a complimentary office tour or to set up an appointment for a comprehensive headache evaluation.