Faces and Places
Oct 06, 2016 15h16 ● By Natalie MollinetHidden Hollow is now an outdoor classroom where students can explore nature. (Natalie Mollinet/ City Journals)
Natalie Mollinet | [email protected]
Hidden Hollow
Tucked in the heart of Sugar House is a wooded area called Hidden Hollow. The area was actually part of the land that was acquired for Sugar House Park in 1911 that stretched from 21st South down to Highland Drive. Through the years, parts of the land were zoned out for commercial properties or sold off for private development. Soon all that was left was the area we now call Hidden Hollow. In 1990 an ELP teacher by the name of Sheri Sohm, along with her students at Hawthorne Elementary decided that the area should be preserved as an outdoor classroom. Today elementary schools in the neighborhood go and visit the hollow and learn about Utah’s plants and about preservation of wildlife.
Imperial Park: In the Highland Park neighborhood sits a park that was supported by many in the area. Where the park is now, there used to be an LDS chapel. The chapel was torn down after renovations were done on a nearby stake center on Filmore Street. The decision sat between putting in new homes and building a park. In May of 2015, after talking with the city and holding events to raise funds, the lot was dedicated as a park. Since then events have been held there and families from surrounding neighborhoods come to visit. The park is located on 1560 E. Atkin Ave.
Cameron Hill
Fall is my favorite time of year for multiple reasons. The leaves and shrubs change color – aspens are my favorite. The sound of an elk bugling in the distance is one of the most memorable thing you’ll ever hear. The best is seeing a bull moose with velvet hanging off his blood-stained antlers.
Rachel Beck
My favorite parts about fall include steamed milk from 7-Eleven, hot chocolate, fall smells, changing leaves, getting to wear cute coats, jackets, boots and layering clothes, finally getting to sit by a fire place and not having anyone tease me and it’s “too hot to be sitting there.” In the fall we also begin to be a bit more giving and we start thinking of others more than we do in other parts of the year. We become a bit more unified in serving and loving; working for higher purposes than our own.